How do I apply?
- Applicants are advised to read the Application Guidelines provided on this website before making an application.
- Applicants must apply online via the 1916 Bursary Application Portal.
- Applicants will need to register on the portal and authenticate their account by email and a security code before starting the online application.
- The online application has 7 sections:
- Privacy Notice and Consent to Share Personal Data
- Financial Criteria
- College Entry Criteria
- Priority Group
- Additional Indicators
- ESF Data
- Terms and Conditions
- Applicants must apply online via the 1916 Bursary Application Portal
- You can apply from a PC/laptop or mobile device.
- An application you have started can be re-opened and edited anytime up until submitted or until the closing date: 5pm October 10th 2024.
- Only one fully completed and submitted application per applicant will be assessed for a 1916 Bursary.
- Submitted applications will produce a pop-up message confirming submission. Applicants can also view the information in the portal under Application Section - Submitted.
Steps to making an application
Applications for 2024/25 are expected to open in early September 2024.
Complete the online application accurately.
Only information and supporting documentation provided on the online application will be used to consider your application.
Submit clear, complete, required supporting documentation.
Ensure all documents are scanned in a PDF, JPEG, or PNG format to a maximum of 5mb before uploading
Additional Information
For more information, please visit the following links:
Applicants are advised to read the Applicant Guidelines before making an application via the following link:
What is the 1916 Bursary?
The 1916 Bursary is a financial award to encourage the participation and success of students from sections of society that are significantly under-represented in higher education.
To be eligible for a 1916 Bursary, all applicants must meet, Financial, Priority Group and College Entry eligibility criteria
Can I apply?
To be eligible for a 1916 Bursary, all applicants must meet, Financial, Priority Group and College Entry eligibility criteria.